One of the things I really like
to do is to organize—really. As a kid, I had hundreds of books, all organized
on shelves alphabetically by author. My records (yes, those vinyl ones) were
also filed alphabetically. My husband laughs at me because even today, my spice
rack is alphabetically arranged. Organizing things is just part of who I am and
gives me great pleasure.
So you would think organizing my
genealogy would come naturally. Unfortunately my need to organize is a bit too compulsive.
I find a system, then read about another system I think I might like better. So
I re-organize my system and in between, my paper piles continue to grow. The
advent of the computer and the internet should have made my life easier. Hah!
Not for a compulsive organizer like me.
For a long time I used both
computer software and a color-based paper file and binder system. Being old
school, I tended to trust my paper files more than my computer ones. I could
find my paper files; I forgot where I put the digital ones. But as I’m becoming
more computer savvy, I really like the idea of going completely digital. I have
developed a system of labeling my digital photos and scanned documents and
filing them by surname on my computer. Then I learned that best practice means
I should have a citation on every document and photo—which I don’t.
At the same time, I realized I
was working too hard to make my natural organizational style fit with my
current software. I found a program which uses Sourcewriter, a built-in tool that helps cite my sources properly
and the way citation goddess, Elizabeth Shown Mills in Evidence Explained suggests. This appeals to my inner
organizational bone and I have now transferred my research from one software
system to the new one. I am currently
going through my direct-line families first (followed by collateral and
off-shoot families) and cleaning up my citations and adding my digital files.
I’m taking the time to go back and add citations to those un-cited digital
photos and documents as I come to them.
Some might say I’m stuck in the
rinse-and-repeat cycle, but I’m improving my process all the time. I think the
biggest perk in doing it this way is that while I am again going through my
data, I am seeing it with new eyes and making new discoveries in my old data.

So while I am seemingly in an
endless data-entry cycle, not only am I learning new things along the way, I’m
also refining my research technique. And this continues to appeal to my inner
organizational nature…and probably why I will continue to work genealogy in
this way.
Welcome to Geneabloggers!! This is a great community of bloggers. I also belong to pinterst (which can be accessed from my blog). I have found this go be a great community of bloggers!
ReplyDeleteRegards, Grant